
Run Applications


Every instance of Hubzero® has the ability for online applications, otherwise known as "tools," to be hosted on the hub. These interactive computations and analytical tools can use Linux, Jupyter, RStudio, and other Web Applications. 
The process starts with a member filling out a web form to register their intent to submit a tool. The member then uploads code into a subversion source code repository and develops the code within a workspace. The member can work alone or with their team to build the tool and design a graphical user interface. With a little help from the managers of the hub, tools can be installed and published for either a limited group of colleagues or for the entire community. 
Animation of a simulation

Supported Applications

Develop tool applications through Jupyter Notebooks, RStudio, and other Web Applications. Learn more about tools by reading the Hubzero® Tool Documentation.


Jupyter Notebooks

The Jupyter Notebooks is an open source web application that can be integrated into the Hubzero® architecture. Notebooks containing live code, such as equations, visualizations, modeling, and much more, can be published for data analysis and machine learning purposes. The Hubzero® unique Jupyter integration includes an extensive library of installed scientific libraries that can be customized for each hub; all members can run the same notebooks, new environments are created from the latest sources, and published notebooks always run in the environment in which they were created.



R-Studio Applications

R-Studio is an open source integrated development environment for R. Usually used for statistical computing and graphics; the Hubzero® integration of RStudio allows members to access the various RStudio tools from inside a hub. After installing RStudio, the application runs inside a Hubzero® tool container, which allows any member to access RStudio from their web browser.
